Attendance at school is of utmost importance. If a student is not here, they cannot learn. Poor attendance has been shown to impact on overall grade outcomes by two grades.
We want to support families in maintaining good attendance and will work with you to achieve this. We are aware that sometimes there are individual or extenuating circumstances, and that no two students are the same.
As per our Attendance Policy, please could we remind all parents/carers that we require parental/carer confirmation (preferably before 9am) from the first day of your child’s absence, advising us of the reason (and likely return time/day.)
This can be done either by
Please do not leave voicemail messages about absence on any other line/extension.
Absence is authorised based on parental information and supporting medical or other evidence.
Applications for absence during term time must be made on the form available – further details below. Requests for students to take exams, compete in sporting competitions or attend significant family events will usually be authorised but each case is considered on its own merits. Holidays will not be authorised in term time and can incur a fixed penalty notice (FPN) – a fine of £60 per parent – as with other unauthorised absence
Unauthorised absence is recorded when a student’s absence falls rapidly and/or with no reason or insufficient evidence, or through refusal.
(clicking on the table above will load a clearer image)
We are committed to giving our students the best education available to them and to continue to raise our standards, this can only be achieved through regular attendance. Therefore we want to assure you that by adhering to national guidelines, we are helping your child fulfil their potential by ensuring that they attend the Academy every day. We value the support of our parents/carers and we hope that you will continue to support both the academy and your child by taking all holidays outside of term time.
Education (Pupil Regulation)(England) Regulations (2018)
Orthodontists and other medical professionals should be able to accommodate appointments outside school hours. Please aim for either early morning or late afternoon appointments. This will ensure that your child is able to complete at least a portion of their school day, and it minimises the impact of their absence on their attainment.
Please inform the Academy by writing a note in your child’s planner, emailing [email protected] or leaving a telephone message on the ‘Absence’ line (01787 375131 – option 1). Where applicable, please provide us with a copy of the medical card or letter regarding your child’s medical appointment.
We recognise that it is more expensive to take a holiday during school breaks and that is why many parents request term-time Leave of Absence for their child. It is important, however, that parents fully consider the implications of taking their child out of school on their child’s education. If an absence is not authorised we may issue a Penalty Notice or begin legal proceedings.
It is also important to remember that the accepted level of attendance is 96.4%, and that a ten-day holiday would lead to a maximum of only 94.8% attendance during the year (50 lessons would be missed). This percentage could fall lower still as a result of absence through illness.
Authorised absence is likely to constitute:
Except in the case of illness, absence permission must be sought well in advance of the intended date(s). In the case of absence owing to chronic/recurring illness, you will be asked to provide a medical certificate.
Unauthorised absence is likely to constitute:
The school will not authorise absence for day trips, visiting relatives, shopping, family holidays, birthdays or looking after brothers or sisters etc.
The register will be called at 8.40am.
Registration finishes at 9:00am in the morning with the second session of the day being recorded at 12.00.
Students who arrive after registration should report to the Attendance Office where they must sign in and record the reason for their lateness.
You must contact us by 9am every day that your child is absent. You can do so by emailing [email protected] or by telephoning our Attendance Officer on 01787-375131 (Option 1).
The academy has an automatic Truancy Call system. This means that parents will be contacted by text, and then email and telephone, when a student is absent, if no explanation for the absence has been received.
If we are concerned about aspects of your child’s attendance or punctuality, we will contact you to discuss the best way forward. Every child’s attendance is monitored fortnightly by our Attendance Officer and your child’s Head of Year.
Make sure your child gets enough sleep and is up in plenty of time each morning. Ensure that he/she leaves home in full school uniform and properly equipped. Show that you value his/her education by showing interest.
Contact your child’s Form Tutor, Head of Year or Pastoral Manager to discuss your worries. Your child could be avoiding school for a number of reasons – difficulties with school work, bullying, friendship problems or family difficulties. It is important that we identify the reason for your child’s reluctance to attend school and work together to tackle the problem. We have a number of staff on the pastoral team who would be able to help and advise you.
It is important to know that research shows 17 days lost at KS4 (Years 10 and 11) can make the difference of a grade at GCSE.