What time must my child arrive at school?
The register will be called at 8.40am.

What happens if my child is late?
Registration finishes at 9:05am in the morning with the second session of the day being recorded at 12.00.

  • If your child arrives after 8.40am he/she will be marked late
  • If your child arrives after 9.00am he/she will be marked absent
  • If your child arrives after 9.10am he/she will be marked unauthorised (unless we have had parental contact)

Students who arrive after registration should report to the Attendance Office where they must sign in and record the reason for their lateness.

How do I report my child’s absence?
You must contact us by 8am every day that your child is absent. You can do so by emailing [email protected] or by telephoning our Attendance Officer on 01787-375131 (Option 1).

Will the academy contact me if my child is absent?
The academy has an automatic Truancy Call system. This means that parents will be contacted by text, and then email and telephone, when a student is absent, if no explanation for the absence has been received.

If we are concerned about aspects of your child’s attendance or punctuality, we will contact you to discuss the best way forward. Every child’s attendance is monitored fortnightly by our Attendance Officer and your child’s Head of Year.

What can I do to encourage my child to attend school?
Make sure your child gets enough sleep and is up in plenty of time each morning. Ensure that he/she leaves home in full school uniform and properly equipped. Show that you value his/her education by showing interest.

My child is trying to avoid coming to the academy. What should I do?
Contact your child’s Form Tutor, Head of Year or Pastoral Manager to discuss your worries. Your child could be avoiding school for a number of reasons – difficulties with school work, bullying, friendship problems or family difficulties. It is important that we identify the reason for your child’s reluctance to attend school and work together to tackle the problem. We have a number of staff on the pastoral team who would be able to help and advise you.