As per our Attendance Policy, please could we remind all parents/carers that we require parental/carer confirmation (preferably before 9am) from the first day of your child’s absence, advising us of the reason (and likely return time/day.)
This can be done either by email (providing the student’s name, your name/relationship to the student and the reason for absence plus anticipated date of return) to our Absence department
by ringing the ‘Absence’ line and leaving a similar voicemail message (01787 375131), pressing ‘1 – to report a student absence‘ when prompted.
Please do not leave voicemail messages about absence on any other line/extension.
Orthodontists and other medical professionals should be able to accommodate appointments outside school hours. Please aim for either early morning or late afternoon appointments. This will ensure that your child is able to complete at least a portion of their school day, and it minimises the impact of their absence on their attainment.
Please inform the Academy by writing a note in your child’s planner, emailing [email protected] or leaving a telephone message on the ‘Absence’ line (01787 375131 – option 1). Where applicable, please provide us with a copy of the medical card or letter regarding your child’s medical appointment.