In Art lessons, students gain the skills and knowledge, from the work of artists, architects and different cultures, to inspire their creativity. These influences will allow students to explore a wide range of media, to develop their record and experimentation work. To prepare learners across all key stages in art, we promote literacy, numeracy, British Values and diversity to stretch and challenge all students.
For all students to be successful in Art, we encourage independent learning from a teacher set theme, or starting point. This allows students to develop their own ideas and take risks to achieve a personal meaningful response.
Year 7:
The focus for Year 7, is to develop their knowledge of drawing and sewing skills, and understand the importance of colour theory within art. Students explore tonal drawing, developing ideas and artist research, to complete three final outcomes in chalk and charcoal, clay and textiles.
Year 8:
Within Year 8 students complete two project themes called ’Food and Sweets’ and ‘Communication in Art’. Students build on their skills developed in Year 7, to continue to understand how artists and cultures influence their own ideas and outcomes. Students explore a variety of media, including drawing, painting, oil pastel, printing and clay.
Year 9:
To refine students’ skills, in preparation for Key Stage Four, Year 9 focuses on the importance of exploring subject specific vocabulary, to build on students’ drawing and literacy skills. Students complete two projects linked to the theme of Portraits and the textile technique of Batik.
Through Design and Technology lessons, we intend that students develop skills and knowledge in order to promote a sustainable future. They learn how to stay safe in workshop environments and learn how to work productively with others in order to promote a culture of learning and collaboration.
Year 7:
Within Year 7 this manifests itself in knowing how to safely experiment with CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacture), learning how to accurately draw and manipulate designs and prepare them for manufacture.
Year :
Within Year 8 students build on prior learning and develop their technical drawing abilities in order to make timber-based products using safe and skilful workshop practices.
Year 9:
Within Year 9 students further develop their organisational and making skills into order to manufacture metal-based products, building on their independent learning skills, team working and application of prior learning, including CAD and CAM.
Through Food lessons at Key Stage Three, we intend that students gather the skills and knowledge in order that they will be safe; learn how to be physically healthy through nutrition; have an awareness of how food is grown and produced in order that they can make healthy, wise choices in an environmentally unstable world. Students learn how to cook in an increasingly skilful way in order to sustain a healthy diet; through life; for themselves and their families to be aware of cultural diversity.
Year 7:
Year 7 manifests itself in being able to experiment with flavours and ingredients whilst learning to use the hob; oven; weighing scales; being accurate and safe whilst using equipment. Students also learn learning about the basics of nutritional guidelines through the use of the ‘Eat Well’ guide.
Year 8:
Within Year 8, students build on the skills learnt previously, and make nutritionally balanced and ever more skilfully constructed meals. Students learn about foods from different cultures, which leads them to choose more interesting ingredients and expands their tastes and understanding of the world around them.
Year 9:
With an accent of provenance; diversity and food science; students are challenged with the knowledge of creating dishes in readiness for Key Stage Four. They master the skills needed to create meals, adapting food to suit their needs.
This subject provides an interesting and engaging look into the basics of ICT. Technology’s role in the modern world cannot be understated, with the current generation of students using technology more than ever before it is imperative they are able to do so safely and effectively. Regardless of the subjects or careers they may wish to pursue in the future, ICT will help them gain the skills necessary to succeed.
We will begin the course by looking at simple file management and data presentation, this will assist them in creating not only revision schedules or resources, but more technical and professional pieces. From here we move on to E-safety and presentation. With recent changes to GDPR it is important students understand how to be safe and secure online, and what accountability they have for data. As the first point of protection against E-threats they must not only learn to recognise how threats develop, but also how to respond to them. Software such as Keynote and PowerPoint provides the backbone of lecturing to schools and businesses across the country, for this reason students will be given the skills to develop their own presentations which they will deliver to their teachers and peers.
Lastly we will look at coding and game design. With the United Kingdom at the forefront of this field in Europe, digital companies are looking to recruit the best and brightest coders. Computers games provide a fun and engaging opportunity for students to put the skills they have learnt into practice. ICT does not railroad a student into a job in computing, an understanding of the digital world will open up a variety of interesting and exciting paths, allowing our students to accomplish their true potential in any field.