
Names and key faces

By clicking on the name of the member of staff below, you will be able to email them directly; to contact the Principal, please contact her P.A. (Mrs Innes) via [email protected]

Senior Leadership

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Mrs S. Morris PrincipalMrs E. Price     
Vice Principal: Safeguarding (DSL) /CLA Nominee; Student Wellbeing.
Mr D. Howkins 
Vice Principal: SENDCO; Outcomes; Timetable, curriculum and learning.
Mr P. Stokes Assistant Principal: Behaviour.Mr L. Cox Assistant Principal: Literacy; Teaching and Learning.Mrs N. Logan Director of Finance

Heads of Year

Mrs R Moulton-DayHead of Year 7 and Teacher of PE and Maths
Miss K WebsterHead of Year 8 and Teacher of Textiles (Art)
Mrs B Barry (formerly Holmes)Head of Year 9 and Teacher of Dance
Mr A StarkeyHead of Year 10 and Teacher of Geography
Mr N BloomHead of Year 11 and Teacher of Maths
Mr M DuffyAssistant Head of Year (KS3) and Teacher of Computing
Miss C NormanAssistant Head of Year (KS4) and Teacher of History

Pastoral Managers

Mrs M Newell
Mrs C Hingston
Mr O King
Mrs C Barrett

Additional Pastoral Support

Mrs P MartinStudent Counsellor
Mrs A CookSupervised Study Coordinator
Mrs S SmithBehaviour Intervention Support
Mr A ArmstrongFire Liaison Officer (EXTERNAL)

English Faculty

Ms H Bernhard-BubbHead of Faculty: English
Mrs L DrakardSecond in Faculty: English
Mr D HowkinsEnglish Faculty  (SENDCO and Vice Principal: Outcomes, Timetable, Curriculum and Learning)
Mrs A PenEnglish Faculty
Miss L TejanoEnglish Faculty
Miss L WardenEnglish Faculty (and PSHE Coordinator)
Mrs L BrundleEnglish Faculty (MFL)

Mathematics Faculty

Mr C RaynerHead of Faculty: Mathematics
Mrs H HemmingsSecond in Faculty: Mathematics
Miss A HeadleyMathematics Faculty
Mrs K WicksMathematics Faculty
Ms D BanthorpeMathematics Faculty (and teacher of PE)
Mr N BloomMathematics Faculty (and Head of Year 11)
Mr R LyonMathematics Faculty (and teacher of PE)
Mrs R Moulton-DayMathematics Faculty (Head of Year 7 and teacher of PE)
Mr N WantMathematics Faculty

Science Faculty

Mr H DuvvasiHead of Faculty: Science
Ms E TaylorSecond in Faculty: Science
Mrs C JuweScience Faculty
Mrs S MorrisScience Faculty (and Principal)
Mr R PalomboScience Faculty
Mrs R TaylorScience Faculty
Miss M ElsdonScience Faculty: Technician

Performing Arts Faculty

Miss K Conway-Jarrett Head of Faculty: Performing Arts
Mr L CoxPerforming Arts Faculty (and Assistant Principal: Literacy, Teaching and Learning)
Mr A NapierPerforming Arts Faculty (and Coordinator for Royal Shakespeare Company’s Lead Associate Schools’ Programme)
Mrs B Barry (formerly Holmes)Performing Arts Faculty: Responsibilities at KS3 (and Head of Year 9)
Ms M GalbraithPerforming Arts Faculty: Technician

Performing Arts Faculty: Peripatetic Music Teachers (2024)

Mr A Bamford – Piano
Mr J Heywood – Drums
Ms R Wasteney – Singing
Mr K Younger – Guitar

Physical Education (PE) Faculty

Mr S DoddHead of Faculty: PE
Mrs D CollinsPE and Mathematics Faculties
Mr R LyonPE and Mathematics Faculties
Mrs R Moulton-DayPE and Mathematics Faculties (and Head of Year 7)
Mr P StokesPE Faculty (and Assistant Principal – Behaviour)

Humanities Faculty

Mrs A FranklinHead of Faculty: Humanities
Mr A BishopHumanities Faculty
Miss E CoxHumanities Faculty
Mr R HowardHumanities Faculty (and Teaching and Learning Facilitator)
Miss C NormanHumanities Faculty (and Assistant Head of Year – KS4)
Mr A StarkeyHumanities Faculty (and Head of Year 10)

Creative Design Faculty

Ms V WoodrowHead of Faculty: Creative Design
Miss M HartSecond in Faculty: Creative Design Faculty
Miss E CookeCreative Design Faculty (and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Manager / Youth STEM Awards Lead/Coordinator)
Mrs E PriceCreative Design Faculty (and Vice Principal: DSL, CLA, Student Wellbeing)
Mr C RaynerCreative Design Faculty (and Head of Mathematics Faculty)
Miss K WebsterCreative Design Faculty (and Head of Year 8)
Mrs S SnellTechnician: Creative Design Faculty
Miss R ThackerayArt Technician (PT): Creative Design Faculty
Ms M Galbraith
Technician (PT): Creative Design Faculty
Mr M DuffyComputing (and Assistant Head of Year – KS3)

Inclusion and Support

Mrs K JacquesDirector of Inclusion
Mr D HowkinsSENDCO and Vice Principal (English Faculty)
Mrs S AnsellClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant
Miss G BradfordClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant (PT)
Ms R Byam Classroom Support: Teaching Assistant
Mrs R CullivanClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant
Mrs A EynonClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant (PT)
Mrs S FrostClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant
Ms L Hardy-ThompsonClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant
Mrs A MorganClassroom Support: Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)
Miss S NevardClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant (Maternity)
Mrs S SmithClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant
Ms M BellClassroom Support: Teaching Assistant (PT)
Mr C MannionClassroom Support: Cover Supervisor
Miss M WalkerClassroom Support: Cover Supervisor


Mr S GoodchildSite Maintenance: Site Manager
Mr M LambertSite Assistant


Mrs N InnesAdmin: Principals P.A.
Mrs S BaileyAdmin: Finance
Mrs N LoganDirector of Finance
Mrs L BensonAdmin: Reception
Mrs L MansellAdmin: Reception
Mrs N GoodchildAdmin: Attendance
Mrs M FarrellAdmin: Clerk to the Governors / Admissions / Attendance Support
Miss H BorehamAdmin: Careers Advisor
Miss K PhillipsAdmin: Data Manager and Exams Officer
Mrs A MontgomeryAdmin: Transfer and Transition / Website Administration
Mrs H McDonaldAdmin: Administration Assistant and Medical
Ms S WilliamsAdmin: Reprographics