New Uniform for Year 7 Intake (September 2025)

Our new year 7 intake will need to wear the new uniform when starting in September 2025.

New Uniform and PE Kit (Year 7 Sept. 2025 onwards)

The items that have changed are:

  • Blazer with the new logo
  • New school tie
  • New blue school skirt, kilt style
  • PE shirt and shorts/skort with the new logo.

Please note black skirts are NOT permitted for year 7 students.

The following items are the same as other year groups:

  • White shirts
  • Black tailored trousers
  • Optional jumper
  • All other rules regarding tights, shoes, jewellery etc remain the same.

The new uniform will be available online, after the Uniform shop on Thursday 19th June 2025 from; Anglia Sports and School Wear who already supply our uniform and are also able to supply shirts and trousers.


They can not wear an old blazer or tie with the old logo or a black skirt. They can wear the old PE kit.

No, the new blazers are in fact cheaper than the previous ones.

We recognise that parents may want to make this choice, especially if they are thinking that items they buy for a year 9/10 child now will be passed on in a few years to a younger sibling. That is permissible. However not all items may yet be available in the larger sizes as we have planned for a gradual transition, using up the stocks of old style uniform first.

No, the new uniform is for the new year 7 (September 2025 intake). No-one else has to make any changes.

We have some second hand uniform that we are happy to pass on to parents. However branded items have the old logo. We cannot supply blazers, skirts or ties to the new 7 Year intake (Sept. 2025).

Acceptable Trousers – Black full length tailored straight leg or bootleg trousers. Trousers must be tailored plain black and not skintight, chino/jean style or skinny. Leggings are not part of our uniform and should not be worn.      


Students should wear well maintained, clean, plain* black shoes or ankle boots** with a flat heel. 

*There should be no branding or white soles. Note: No shoes that have Nike ticks or symbols should be worn, or any others with names, or logos (even if black) of any sportswear brand.

Footwear material should be leather, suede or synthetic leather, and polishable.

No canvas, trainers, sandals, or plimsolls are permitted.

Footwear may be laced, Velcro, buckle, or slip-on.

The photographs below illustrate acceptable items of footwear:

We hope that asking all students to wear these ‘standard’ styles will make the process of buying shoes easier for parents and that it will continue to maintain the standard of uniform across the Academy.


Either socks or tights to be worn. Socks should be plain black or white (below the knee) and tights should be black or neutral in colour.

Students are expected to wear their hair in a style which is discreet and suitable for the workplace. Hair should be natural colours only; students should not dye their hair in any bright or unnatural colours and anyone who does will be expected to re-dye it to an acceptable colour.

Discreet facial make-up may be worn (no false eyelashes), as well as a watch and no more than one small stud in each ear. Excess items will be requested to be removed and/or confiscated. No nose students or facial piercing are permitted.

Nails may be painted with one colour only and well maintained and no acrylic/false nails.

Uniform must be clean and well kept. If a student arrives without a uniform item, you may be contacted to bring in any missing items. In the event of a recurrence in relation to uniform infringements, your child may be sent home to return fully equipped for the day.

PE Kit

At Ormiston Sudbury Academy we take pride in the PE kit our students wear and ask all parents to support us in maintaining high standards. Our range provides students the opportunity to choose the kit that they feel most confident in, to be comfortable, warm and allow them to perform at their very best.

Compulsory items

  • Unisex top or fitted top, with OSA logo
  • Shorts or Skort, with OSA logo
  • Sports Trainers

Optional items

  • Long sleeved PE top with OSA logo
  • Plain black jogging bottoms/Black sports leggings
  • Football boots / astro turf trainer for outdoor PE
  • Sports socks – black or white