Thank you for choosing a place at Ormiston Sudbury Academy and welcome to the Ormiston Family.
I would like to extend a very warm welcome from myself, our Principal, our team of teachers and support staff and all of our students.
I understand that transition can be an anxious time for some of you, however, it is also a very exciting one. You will learn new skills and develop as individuals during your time at the Academy. As long as you embrace this new journey through secondary education, do your best and work hard, opportunities will open for you. Your confidence will grow and we will support you with your wellbeing and your academic progress.
You may need to set yourself some personal goals at the start of Year 7, to ensure you are successful during your time at the Academy. You will be supported to meet your goals in tutor time, in lessons and in any extra-curricular activities you decide to take part in. Hard work in and out of the classroom will always pay off and we will encourage you to challenge yourself every day.
I am confident you will settle quickly into our community and make lots of new friends. So, please embrace this new adventure, and remember to ask for help if you need it – we have a fantastic team of staff at OSA, all waiting to support you, every step of the way.
Miss Webster
“I settled very well into OSA even though I was so nervous and scared of moving to Secondary school. The lesson are fun and I have more freedom. I would recommend joining lots of club to make new friends.”
“I settled into OSA well because they have a safe and inclusive community. I have more independence, freedom and different range of lessons. You just need to be yourself and don’t be afraid to give something ago. OSA has lots of opportunities to make new friends.”
Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th July 2025
Students will be expected to attend on both of these days, between 8:40am and 3:10pm wearing their primary school uniform. On the transition days, students will need to bring a packed lunch and a refillable water bottle.
Term begins for Year 7 students on Wednesday 3rd September. Year 7 and Year 11 students start on that day.
The Parent Welcome Booklet will be available from May 2025. This has everything you need to know before you child starts at the Academy.
If you need to contact the Academy regarding transition please call 01787 375131 opt 4 or email .
Mr Bloom will be the Head of Year 7. He will oversee all aspects of transition days and support students to make a fantastic start at OSA. Along with the rest of our OSA family, he is incredibly excited to meet you all.
All Year 7s will be in a Tutor Group and will be allocated a Pastoral Manager. Form Tutors will be the first port of call for parents as they will see the students every day during form time and Head of House staff will be there to support parents and students.
Please refer to our school day page.
You will need to bring a super-positive attitude and a smile!
Also, you will need a pencil case and equipment, a sensible bag (it is useful to have one that is waterproof and big enough to fit an A4 folder in!), a coat and a bottle of water.
The Academy will provide exercise books, any additional books and A4 sketchbook for Art can be purchased on the iPayimpact portal. Login details will be sent before the Transition Days.
There are usually between 22-30 students in each class according to subject.
In Year 7 most subjects are taught in tutor groups. However, in some subjects such as Maths, you will be in sets and will be with different students. You will also mix with new students in social time and in clubs and activities. It is a great time to make new friends!
Please see our faculties page.
Homework is an important part of learning at OSA and is set every school day. It is expected that KS3 homework tasks should take around 20 minutes per subject, with students completing one subject each weekday, alongside 20 minutes of reading.
A uniform shop is held onsite once a year and will be on Thursday 19th June 2025. Please see our Year 7 (September 2025) Uniform page here. After this date the uniform will be available online from; Anglia Sports and School Wear who already supply our uniform and are also able to supply shirts and trousers.
We are very proud of our canteen team and the lovely food that they prepare and serve daily. We provide a service at break and lunchtime, please see our school meals page. Parents pay for the service using iPayimpact (information on our website). Free school meals are available to eligible students. Students pay for their food using a PIN number, which will be sent out before their Transition Days. Students are also welcome to bring packed lunches if that is your preference.
Packed lunches should be wholesome and avoid too many foods with high fat, salt, and sugar content. For this reason, energy drinks and any other canned drinks are banned, and for the safety and wellbeing of staff and students with allergies, nuts are also banned from being brought onsite.
You will need a letter from home advising us what time you need to leave school. When you are due to leave you take you letter to Attendance Office who will sign you out. If you are returning to school after an appointment, you come back via Reception and sign back in.
If your appointment is early, so you arrive at school after the start of the school day, you go straight to the Attendance Office on arrival and sign in.
We recommend that a copy of the letter or the appointment card is brought with you for our records. If you have received an appointment by text then this can be forwarded to the academy.
We also recommend making appointments out of school time where possible.
You can bring your phone to school however it must be handed in at registration and will be returned to you at the end of the day.